At the GalaCon 2016 I attended and enjoyed the panel they offered together with doubleWbrothers and I felt very honored when recently they brought up my origami art in their Daily Art(sy) journal.
So I created this origami scene inspired by their comic Find yourself. The scene is loosly based on the first encounter of their character Alice with Discord in Discord's world of chaos. It was a lot of fun to create a setting for Discord's chaos world and thereby turn somewhat surrealistic. There was, but very little photoshopping involved in this picture. I printed the floor and the background (with inverted color upside down rainbow and chocolate rain clouds) and put a picture frames glass over the floor to keep it flat (the mirror-effect is a nice bonus). Most of the photoshopping involved in this picture was done about the cocoa river in the center which had a somewhat greenish tone in the original photograph. Discord is sitting on the upside down origami bench which I had used before in a Lyra and Bon Bon scene. In order to "defy gravity" that bench was propped up with a drinking straw, which I removed with photoshop same as the nylon thread holding the upside down hovering tree. For the cotton candy trees I was hoping to get colored wads of cotton wool which used to be available in drugstores everywhere. It turned out that those are no longer to be found, so I had to go with silk paper tree tops instead. The little origami Derpy in the background (she was photoshopped into the scene) and the Tardis (that one was attached to the background print) were not part of the comic, but I just enjoyed including them.
EStories' panel at the GalaCon 2017 was once again a joy to attend and it was a particular joy for me to give them this origami of Alice and one of Neighsayer's ponysona as a little thank you for all their great work, for the recognition they gave me and for the inspiration they provided for this very scene.