
Before the gates opened at the first day of the GalaCon 2017 (July 29th), I drew this chalk Apple Bloom to continue with the series of characters as tributes to the guests of honor of the GalaCon. Apple Bloom was the tribute to Michelle Creber of course. There was something almost "sentimental" about drawing Apple Bloom because Apple Bloom had been my first MLP chalk drawing (BigMac was the second) that worked out (excluding the first attempt of October 2016 I frequently cited during the GalaCon to encourage the bronies I invited to give the chalk a try rather than insisting that they couldn't do it anyway). I like how Apple Bloom turned out (and she and another chalk drawing I am going to put up soon played a big role in making these days truly unforgetable as I am going to lay out in a journal), though the mane on her head isn't quite in line with the mane on her neck. I made the same little mistake later on when I drew Octavia, but I didn't notice this until I saw the photos later on. This is the kind of mistake from which one can learn. In the future I am going to pay special attention to correct alignment of the manes so it is less likely (though possible ) for it to happen again. Everyone who starts drawing (be it with chalk or another medium), do not let the fear of making such mistakes deter you from continuing. Such little mistakes and flaws are always a chance to learn and improve your future work and that is a very rewarding feeling This is a color intensified photo of the chalk drawing. Here is a photo of the same drawing made without the color intensifying camera mode.
Later on the final day of the GalaCon Michelle Creber did me the honor to sign the drawing. This is the version signed by Michelle Creber.
And here is a photo of Michelle Creber and me sitting behind the Apple Bloom drawing. I am going to write more on this meeting, which really made my day, in the journal I'm going to write about the final day of the GalaCon 2017.


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