"Yeah… Well… I mean…" Ruby says, looking down at the sidewalk, "They were pretty mad when I left, and I haven't really talked to them since then…"
Emerald says that he is sure they were probably worried about her disappearance, and that they should be happy to see her safe. And if they aren't… Well, then there opinion shouldn't matter to her. He also mentions that she should could him Sapphire while in town. He doesn't want anyone figuring out who he is.
"Alright, 'Sapphire'." Ruby says, a little distracted.
Emerald pulls Pip inside again. He says that if she has any questions that she should consult him for the answers before asking out loud, and makes sure to say that he should be called Sapphire while in town.
The trio walk through the door and up the stairs. Ruby shows them to the apartment. Emerald is surprised that Ruby simply enters. She doesn't even knock.
Inside Emerald sees a mare with a large scar sitting at a table.
"Ruby? Is that" Barber starts, but is cut short by Pip.
"Whoa. What happened to your eye?" Pip says, pointing to her own eye and clearly forgetting the conversation that Emerald just had with her.
Barber glares at Pip for a second and then says, "Who even are you?"
"My name is Pipadeaxkor!" the demon says happily, "But you can call me Pip for short!"
"Quite an odd name for a pony." Barber says, icily.
Emerald frowns slightly. Pip's full name is a bit suspicious sounding. Should they have given her a fake one to use, like how he is Sapphire?