Heeeeere's page 32! I had a lot of fun working on all of the facial expressions in this one.
Hyrule's map is both completely made up and slightly based off of both Breath of the Wild's map and Hyrule Warriors' map, though mostly Hyrule Warriors because the story takes place seven years after the events of Hyrule Warriors takes place. Here's a translation of the map if you can't read the hylian!
I like Derpibooru's new update with text formatting. It makes it so much easier lol
Because people keep mentioning it, YES, I am aware of instances on the show in which Twilight/Rainbow Dash carried ponies around through flight. Considering how heavy that ponies can be, on average (200-300 lbs), I do not see how it is relatively possible (especially for Twilight, who we know is physically weaker than Rainbow Dash), and considering that the show forgets its own consistency all of the time, I firmly believe that I'm allowed to mess it up myself every now and then. I do not think of every little possibility for everything on the planet, and neither do they. PLEASE STOP POINTING IT OUT.