
Hello Again! I've been adding loads more details to my plane (Now it has all kinds of new controls, parts, and now Photos)


I decided to give this WIP a title because I liked it enough, and I gave it a cool Film effect. This plane is going in a more WW2 Inspired direction.

You can find the Awesome Drawing I used here: (Give this guy a watch!) — This was used with permission

(P.S I am making extremely quick progress for some reason, so expect a bunch of these WIPs for the next week or so)

Made w/ Blender and Photoshop

Changes Since Previous Version:
- Added Pony Picture
- Added Tons of new parts to all over the cockpit (Not Visible in this render)
- Added A Toy Pony hanging from a string (Not Visible in render)
- Added foot pedals ('')
- Added All kinda of other things

Plans for Next Version:
- Fix Remaining Problems with Shaders, and models
- Add even more to cockpit
- Start Prep for actual image

Render Information:
- Took 2 hours 30 minutes on an 2.4 ghz 8 core i7 w/ 8 gigs RAM

I think I'll do two different official images with this plane, one with a pony sitting inside of it, and another in an epic battle scene!

Stay Awesome!


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