Mako blinked and snapped back to reality. Two large sharks were following the trail of blood Pukai left behind in the water as she went into labor. He froze as he looked between Pukai as she struggled through a contraction, and the sharks closing in. He needed to think.. He can't leave Pukai behind to get help, they'll kill her… Mako's ears folded flat to his head as he scratched his claws on the ocean rocks.
Mako: )) Pukai, just sit tight.
Pukai: )) W-what..?!
Mako: )) I'm going to lead those sharks away from you. Will you be okay?
Pukai: )) What!? N-no, don't leave-
Mako: )) Once they're far away I'll come back, I promise.
Mako turned and swam ahead, ignoring Pukai's protest for him to stay. His heart pounded in his chest as he got closer and closer to the sharks. He hasn't dealt with sharks in a long time. Usually around Capricorn Reef a Sea Monster kept the sharks at bay so it was safer for swimmers and surfers, but out here he had no protection… Just keep them away from her and everything will be alright…!
Increasing his speed, Mako rammed into the shark by the side. He bumped the second one harder and started to go faster to make a U-turn. He looked back, the sharks were stunned and changed course, but only for a second. They turned back to continue their pursuit on Pukai. Mako clenched his jaw as he swam after them. He reached out with one arm and swatted their snouts. It easily deterred them, making them change course again. Mako smiled in relief… then stared in panic as the sharks changed their sights to go after him. He fidgeted in one spot, trying to think quickly.
Mako! Swim away!
A familiar faded voice echoed in his head and he swam away. He wasn't sure where he was going, but they followed him, giving up on Pukai. Her pained squeaks and cries faded the farther he got. He soon felt his body getting heavy… He was losing air, he needed to breach to catch a breath. He swam for the light of the surface. He held his breath the best he could, kicking his legs faster. As his hand went up, he gets ready to open his mouth for a breath, only to feel sudden sharp pain on his tail fin, getting yanked back down. He looked down, accidentally opening his mouth to yelp in pain as he saw one of the sharks had caught him, shaking it's head to pull him down so it could eat. The second shark began to swim faster. Mako thrashed around trying to break free.
Mako: No no no NO! Not again! I can't die this way! I WON'T!!!
The second shark opened its jaws as it got closer. It was getting ready to attack! Mako closed his mouth tightly and swam downwards, pulling the shark locked onto his tail fin with him, and into the path of the second shark. They collided, and the second shark bit into the side of the other, making it let go of Mako's tail. As soon as he felt it release him he swam for the surface and let out a gasping breath, his blowhole shooting out water as well. Taking in the air, he ducked back under the water, the sharks swimming further out to sea, giving up their hunt. Mako shook his head, feeling his chest and finding that his heart was beating faster than it has in a long time.
Mako: )) An orca my age can't keep this up… I'm getting too old for all this excitement..!
Looking down at his tail, he saw the shark's teeth marks left behind. They weren't as deep as his current scars, but they weren't pretty either.. He grunted, deciding to worry about it later. Getting his bearings, he remembered where he was and started swimming back for Pukai.
Mako soon started hearing Pukai's tired whimpers. Catching sight of her, he could see she was almost finished. The calf was unmoving.. was something wrong? He approached her.
Mako: )) Pukai!
Pukai: )) Mako..!?
Mako: )) It's alright, I'm here. They're gone. holds her hand and she tightly squeezed it
Pukai: )) Are you hurt…?!
Mako: )) Just a bite, don't worry about it. You're almost there, just one more push should do it..!
Pukai cried out louder,her pained squeaks echoing before the calf slipped out. It's small yet body floating in the water. Mako went to gently hold it… it wasn't moving.. it wasn't making any noise….
Mako: )) Pukai what… what's wrong with it..?!
Pukai: )) dazed but looks back at him The surface Mako..! It needs to breathe..!
Mako looked up and quickly kicked off from the sandy ocean floor, swimming with the calf in his arms. He needed to get there before it was too late!
Mako burst through the surface and kicked his legs to stay afloat. The calf still didn't wake up.. Mako panted from the swimming and gently rubbed the calf's back, trying to work the water out of it's system.
Mako: Come on… Come on, you're safe now… Wake up little one…!