Born to Silly


Complete name: Ginger Gold
Nickname: Ginger, GG (Joystick), Goldie (Applebloom and Rumble)
Parents: Applebloom and Rumble
Born / Living in: Sweet Apple Acres
Birthday: 22nd of April
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She / Her
Species: Earth pony
Occupation: Student
Talent: NoneGinger Gold is the youngest daughter of the strange couple formed by Applebloom and Rumble.

Although Ginger’s always trying to pretend she’s the oldest and most mature of her group of friends, but I mean, she's only 9. Sometimes she can get a bit selfish and has a really bad habit of making other feel less than her for been childish. She's still 9. Ginger can also have temper tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants, but thankfully she'll notice sooner or later she's been a butt and will apologise and make anything to compensate her behavior. Even when she looks completeyl focussed on something, she's probably thinking what she will do as soon as she leave the farm. Of course she loves her family and loves the farm, but that place won't have her trapper for too long.

Ginger is currently studying at Cheerilee's and making plans to travel all around Equestria.

As is tradition in the Apple family, Ginger was born on the farm. Being the smallest of the Apples, she is the most pampered of all, although in general she’s unnoticed. She’s the only one who hasn’t met Granny Smith. Ginger loves to hear the stories that everypony tell her about Granny.

Her relationship with her parents… you can’t say they have a bad relationship, although Ginger would certainly appreciate that they exercised the role of parents a little more, and they are always more aware of her brother than of her. Sometimes she misses her parents paying attention to her. Luckily her uncles are always looking out for her, especially Applejack and Caramel. Caramel always makes her her favorite food whenever she is not feeling well. Rumble always tries to establish a better relationship with her by making her laught, somtimes it works. Actually her father and she are very different from each other and do not congenial too much, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t love eacother. Sometimes it is the same with her mother, although there is some kind of stronger connection with her. Applebloom seems to be more open minded about all that leaving the farm stuff tahn Rumble is.

Whenever her brother is locked in the barn, she will entertn anyway. She hates the routine and certainly loves the constant changes, so Ginger always tries to make her brother show whatever he’s working on at the moment, he always has some fun new things to play with, although they do not usually last long in her hands, either because Mek catches her, or because she accidentally breaks it, no matter what, his brother always ends up getting angry with her.

Ginger use to spend the day either annoying her brother or with the rest of the New Cutie Mark Crusaders, Joystick and Skipper, although they are not classmates as their mothers were. They know eachother thanks to them and spend the day together. They may not be so determined to get their marks, but they certainly enjoy the time they spend together. Specifically, Ginger focuses more on taking care of the rest, since they are more impulsive. Ginger always ends up being the mature one of the group, no matter who surrounds her, it doesn’t matter, Ginger likes to take care of the rest, although sometimes she would like to have cool adventures and have fun as her friends do. For Ginger, Skipper is almost like a younger sister, who needs someone to take care of her since she’s very impulsive and is always hurting herself. With Joystick, it’s kind different, Ginger is more like the voice of reason for her.


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