
So, I've gotten an idea for a new MLP fanart-thing. I don't think it'll evolve into a full-blown comic or anything, but I'll end up uploading scenes with fic and the like.

I have a few characters that are not from Equestria (named Marelan.) The rest of the characters are all next-gen.

Name: Firespin
Gender: Mare
Age: Young Adult
Parents: Spitfire (M) and Fire Streak (F)
Species: Pegasus
Special Talent: Flying
Occupation: Wonderbolts Reserve

Background: Firespin was bound for the Wonderbolts the moment her parents got together. Although her parents did not force her to even consider the Wonderbolts, Firespin was hooked from the moment she saw her first performance. Spitfire was quite happy to help her daughter train for the academy, and Firespin passed all of her tests with flying colors. In fact, Firespin was the youngest mare to be accepted into the reserves. She now awaits her own spot in the actual Wonderbolts, and generally helps out with training newbies and with encouraging other ponies to try out.

Personality: Firespin is a lot like her mother; she comes off as hard and unfriendly, but is a good pony. She can be strong-willed and hard-headed, but admits her mistakes and faults when necessary. She is a good leader, and is capable of making tough decisions when necessary.

Other Notes:





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