
"In each blade the power of an entire world; in the whole set, maaaaaybe enough coolness to match mine."

"So this why I brought you here, Miss Dash."

"What, this corridor?"

"Yes. You see, the revolving doors of the entrance activate both the door at the end and a whole host of spikes briefly stabbing in from the sides. The nearest half of the corridor is safe from traps, but I see no way to disarm any of the ones at the end. From careful observation and calculations, I've determined that a very precise speed would allow one to go through cleanly and safely; any faster and you'd get stabbed, any slower and you won't get to the door before it closes again."

"And what kind of speed is that?"

"About exactly half the speed of sound. I can't reach those speeds, but I know you can easily surpass them. This is why you're here."

"Wait, so you want me to fly headfirst into a deadly trapped hallway, at half the speed of sound?"


"Okay, I can definitely try. Clear the way, Daring."

Whoosh shiiiing clang

"Are you still alive, Rainbow Dash?"

"Y-yeah. This room is… weird."

"Can you see a lever or something that would open the door permanently?"

"Uhhh, not really right now. There's this giant pile of knives on a big fancy rack in the middle, though."

"Don't touch them, they might be even more dangerous than… You touched them while I was talking, didn't you?"


"What is it?"

"I… I can move them… with my mind."

Ten legendary weapons 9/10: The 701 Knives of The Brahmastra


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