
Name: Brick Mash

Nickname: Bricky, TroubleMash, BM

Age: 10

Parent(s): Sweetie Belle and Button Mash(divorced), Babs Seed(step-mother)

Sibling: Amethyst(half-sister), unborn child(half-sibling/child of Button and Babs Seed)

Personality: Sneaky, Helpful, Clever, Energetic, Troublesome, Carefree

Likes: causing troubles, games, hanging out with his friends, his dad, junkfood, teasing Prince

Dislikes: his little sister, following orders, smelly things, vegetables

Talent: Gaming and crusading

Bio: Brick Mash is the most troublesome colt in the town, despite being a member of Cutie Mark Crusaders. He's the quick and impatient one from his friends, Apple Hay and Autumn Willow(Ally). But whetever he goes, he can't stop making pranks and troubles, but he learns his lessons after that(not).


Sweetie Belle and Button: He and his has a lot in common, inc. gaming. They'll play all day, when he visits him. He and his mother don't really have a good relationship. He don't hate her, but disappointed that she left his dad for Spike. But they did tried their best to have a good bond together.

His grandparents: He loves his grandma's cookies. He loves playing hoofball with his grandpa and watching tv with him.

Rarity's family: He cared for his aunt, but don't like much when she used him as model. He likes his cousins especially Dusty, which he saw him as a brother. He likes to hang put with Jewel, even though she has a cutiemark, but that doesn't mean they can play.

Babs Seed: His step-mom. At the beginning, he didn't like her, but was used to it and seems to linke her a lot.

Apple Hay: His best friend. He was the calm one of this group, although sometimes he hates, when he's chill om everything.

Ally: His other best friend and the smart one. They argued sometimes, if they don't agree but has a great teamwork, when it comes to help others when it comes to finding cutiemarks.

Amethyst: His annoying half sister. Although he got sick of her following around, he seems to be very overprotective, when it comes to bullying.

Prince: The bully who tried to sabotage their goals. But it's not a problem for them and always find a way to defeat his games.

Skylar Gleam: They don't interact much, but they're at each others throats…

Hunter: His ex-friend.


-He and Hunter once were friends, until he realizes that bullying his sister was too much and even tried to stop Hunter from hurtig her. And ever since then, he stays close to her when Hunter is nearby.
-Although he's pretty clever of tricking Prince, he can sometimes be jealous of Ally's intellegent.
-Spike wasn't his favorite dragon, but he thinks it was really awesome to have a dragon as step-dad.
-He have meet his two aunts who also was former Cutie Mark Crusaders.
-Since Babs was in the family, it means that he and Hay is step-cousins now(which he thinks was awkward and awesome at the same time).
-At age 7, he used to have a big crush on Jewel(before he knew that cousins are infact family and can't have crushes with them). It stopped, when he realizes it and was pretty embarrassed by that(Jewel was aware of it, but was very understanding of this confusion)


Done my first CMC fanfoal. I just recrated Button´s old color scheme, cause I honestly liked the old one better than the new one. So I thought I could just give the old Button Mash- colors to Brick. And Brick was the name of one of Rowdyruff Boys from Powerpuff Girls. I though Brick was a good name and all.


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