Maud: Hello Spike, may we come in?
Spike: Yeah, sure.
The mares walk in and notice Starlight having a conversation with Twilight.
Twilight: Trixie? Maud? What are you doing here?
Trixie: GLIMMY!!
Starlight: Oh hello Trixie. Was there anything that you wanted to ask me?
Trixie: Yes, there is!
Angel Wings: We were wondering if you would like to join The Squad.
Starlight: The Squad? You mean the group that have been in great turmoil recently?
Maud: Yes, it has gone back and forth because some members leaving and others not agreeing with the overall purpose of The Squad.
Twilight: Not surprising with King Sombra, Tempest Shadow and Smash Gamer being part of it.
Starlight: But why me?
Angel: Because you are known for organizing ponies to make them work towards a common goal.
Starlight: Thinks You know what! I'M IN!!
Twilight: Starlight, are you kidding me?! Have you forgotten all those things I have tought you!!
Starlight: turns to Twilight Twilight, I want to make something clear with you. I don't hate you, I hate your ideology.
Twilight: Don't you dare return back to your old self!
Starlight: Of course not, I am just setting myself free.
Twilight: Free from what?! My friendship?
Starlight: Yes! hops over to the other mares
Trixie: gasps The great and powerful Trixie is so happy that Starlight Glimmer is part of the team!
Maud: Welcome, Glimmer.
Angel: I have always looke dup to you ever since I first saw you.
Starlight: Thank you girls. I really hope that we can help make the world a better Place!
Twilight: So am I! What makes the Squad any different?
Starlight: I though you were okay with the Squad being present. What made you change your mind?
Twilight: I am okay with The Squad, but not when it starts tearing down my family. groans No wonder why Smash Gamer used to love you so much.
Starlight: I don't like Smash Gamer, but he is right in that your way of friendship is all about manipulation and control of other ponies actions!
Twilight: Look yourself in the mirror!
Starlight: HUSH! It wasn't like I wanted to take over the World or anything. Unlike you. turns over to Angel Wings Of I think we have never met.
Angel: Oh right, my name is Angel Wings.
The four mares leave the castle with joy!
Twilight: First Shining Armor and now Starlight…
Spike: I will never leave you though.
Twilight: Thanks Spike. hugs him
Vector Credits:
Background by e_49
Maud Pie by ValoranVectors
Trixie Lulamoon by dashiesparkle
Starlight Glimmer by tardifice
Twilight Sparkle by shutterflyeqd
Angel Wings — found on
Spike by abigailartist