
Twilight, Starlight and Spike were hanging around inside the Castle of Friendship when they heard knocking on the door. Spike ran towards it and opened it, to see that Trixie, Maud and Angel Wings stood there.
Maud: Hello Spike, may we come in?
Spike: Yeah, sure.

The mares walk in and notice Starlight having a conversation with Twilight.
Twilight: Trixie? Maud? What are you doing here?
Trixie: GLIMMY!!
Starlight: Oh hello Trixie. Was there anything that you wanted to ask me?
Trixie: Yes, there is!
Angel Wings: We were wondering if you would like to join The Squad.
Starlight: The Squad? You mean the group that have been in great turmoil recently?
Maud: Yes, it has gone back and forth because some members leaving and others not agreeing with the overall purpose of The Squad.
Twilight: Not surprising with King Sombra, Tempest Shadow and Smash Gamer being part of it.
Starlight: But why me?
Angel: Because you are known for organizing ponies to make them work towards a common goal.
Starlight: Thinks You know what! I'M IN!!
Twilight: Starlight, are you kidding me?! Have you forgotten all those things I have tought you!!
Starlight: turns to Twilight Twilight, I want to make something clear with you. I don't hate you, I hate your ideology.
Twilight: Don't you dare return back to your old self!
Starlight: Of course not, I am just setting myself free.
Twilight: Free from what?! My friendship?
Starlight: Yes! hops over to the other mares
Trixie: gasps The great and powerful Trixie is so happy that Starlight Glimmer is part of the team!
Maud: Welcome, Glimmer.
Angel: I have always looke dup to you ever since I first saw you.
Starlight: Thank you girls. I really hope that we can help make the world a better Place!
Twilight: So am I! What makes the Squad any different?
Starlight: I though you were okay with the Squad being present. What made you change your mind?
Twilight: I am okay with The Squad, but not when it starts tearing down my family. groans No wonder why Smash Gamer used to love you so much.
Starlight: I don't like Smash Gamer, but he is right in that your way of friendship is all about manipulation and control of other ponies actions!
Twilight: Look yourself in the mirror!
Starlight: HUSH! It wasn't like I wanted to take over the World or anything. Unlike you. turns over to Angel Wings Of I think we have never met.
Angel: Oh right, my name is Angel Wings.

The four mares leave the castle with joy!
Twilight: First Shining Armor and now Starlight…
Spike: I will never leave you though.
Twilight: Thanks Spike. hugs him

Vector Credits:
Background by e_49
Maud Pie by ValoranVectors
Trixie Lulamoon by dashiesparkle
Starlight Glimmer by tardifice
Twilight Sparkle by shutterflyeqd
Angel Wings — found on
Spike by abigailartist


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