For those of you who don't know what it is basically it's a bi that keeps the greedy ISPs freedom to do as they please so long as they are 'transparent' meaning they could (will) separate the internet into slow and high speed lanes making it even MORE inaccessible to those poor in our country.
Now to those that think the Companies won't take advantage of this you don't need to go far to see that they do in other countries that don't have these protections. Are we really going to let these greedy companies like Comcast, Verizon, and basically every other ISP run the internet like EA did to Battlefront 2?
Call Congress do all you can to oppose this greed fueled bill proposed by Pai and the FCC tell all you can to vote no. Even if you are over seas this WILL effect you not in short term but once it's abolished here it's coming your way.
Fight the good fight go to
I post this here hoping to get more voices in on this issue that will effect all of us for the worse. Please make your voices heard.