Not many years later, Ceres recieved a great surprise, he was going to be a big brother! He had a tremendous tantrum, he was used to be only child, he was used to have his parents and grandparents just for him and, eventhough he was a shy and quiet foal he could be a little… intense with his "possesions", Ceres liked routines and that everything just following the same pattron. A new baby would change everything in their lifes, Twilight and Flash knew it and they were really scared because of his reaction whenever the new kid arrived the casttle.
Just a couple months later a pretty small and bugged-eye filly hit their lifes, Twilight gave birth a pegasus, a potencial competitor to Ceres, "he would fight for our attention Flash" "I don't think he would ever dare hurting her, he's a smart kid". Flash and Twilight were scared, scared of Ceres' reaction, all he did when he first saw her was staring at her for like ten minutes or more, with the biggest eyes his parents could have ever seen, then, the little new born opened her left eye, a simple "I love her, I'll protect her" broke the silent. Of course his parents were confused at first and pleased just after, they both looked at each other's eyes and they breathed a sigh of relief, "How should we call her sweetheart?" "Hey Ceres, wanna gice your little sister a name?" "Me?… FEATHER" "Come'on, you can do it better" "Why not Honeydew? She has a honeydew feather after all" "Oh, you are right Twi, what do you think big guy?" Ceres doubted for a couple seconds, then Flash said "I like Honeyew Feather" then Ceres' face lighted up "Heather… I LIKE HEATHER"
Here you can see some more details about these dorks I think I haven't said yet.
Ceres Age: 19 B-day: 17 january Born in: Ponyville Currently lives in: Ponyville Voice: Prince Charming — Shrek 2 Likes: Heather, making sparkles for his sister (sadly not anymore), coffee, flirting with other mares, color pink, cupcakes, his grandparents, his hair nad brush it every morning Dislikes: Heather being sad, studying magic, Lucky, his tail, refreshments and beverages bubbles, magic (his own and the others') Scared of: his magic and hurting somepony with it
Honeydew Feather (Heather) Age: 15 B-day: 13 april Born in: Ponyville Currently lives in: Ponyville Voice: Mei — Overwatch Likes: Ceres, her friends (specially Dizzy and Tony), writting and reading books, poetry, night stories, sparkles, magic (specially unicorn), unicorns and their horns, her magical scar, moon light, coocking (she's pretty bad tho), help in the farm, disorder (that's actually her view of order), her honeydew fether, all kind of fruits, watch and read anime with Okey (she have to keep it as a secret) Dislikes: darkness, that Ceres doesn't practice magic anymore, kids, sour and spicy flavors, Mimi (since she started dating Ceres), preening her wings, long hair, not being an unicorn Scared of: darkness and heights, of course that Ceres doesn't practice magic anymore so wolrd would loose such a great magician