We've added a refund clause, and made several additions to clear some issues and concerns up, as well as to better inform our supporters!
We invite you to partake in the "Terms of Service" commission project, a community collaboration piece open to all of Derpibooru! This will be a tongue-in-cheek, lighthearted picture celebrating the site and its users, and will be a staggering 7,200 pixels by 10,800 pixels large and will feature your OC characters drawn at 1,200 pixels width. If you choose to participate, your character will be in a queue with other characters, waiting to be accounted for at the front. Every character gets one optional accessory and one optional action that will allow them to stand out in the crowd! Here are the details of this piece:
- We can fit at least 70 characters in the piece. - Reserved moderator and developer slots are available, and we encourage mods and devs to participate! - As mentioned, every character gets one accessory and one action! They can even interact with each other. - This piece will be of the highest quality, drawn by the famous (or infamous) Smudge Proof! - This piece, once finished, will be printed on a mounted poster that will be 2' by 3', or 61cm by 91cm, and presented at the next Derpibooru panel at BABSCon, or Bronycon that I can attend. (And I will make all possible choices and attempts to do so.) - Characters will be drawn up to 1,200 pixels high, or 4" at 300 pixels per inch at least, depending on the final number of participants. - Characters will be in line to kiss mod/dev flank and put their hoof on the rule book!
- This is a SFW/suggestive/questionable image, so don't ask for your OC to be drawn in anything provocative, or doing anything explicit. This includes sexual acts of any kind, items or accessories considered sexual in nature, or otherwise explicit content. To make it simple, anything you don't want the general public to see, don't add that to your submission. (We know that's subjective, but please understand that this will be at a public venue. If you have any doubts, please do not hesitate to ask questions! We want to be flexible.) -Please keep in mind the spirit in which this image is made. The finished project is meant to be a work of satire, and in no way aptly represents Derpibooru or its associates. Please keep this in mind when considering your contribution, as the butt of the joke may appear offensive to some. -The OC must be owned by the requester, or have explicit permission to be included by the owner. - OCs must be reasonable. Black and red alicorns, super death villains, and otherwise outlandish designs will probably not be accepted. - Submissions must include at least one reference, preferably a picture, as well as information concerning character name, detailed information on your character, the action your character will be doing (if anything), and the accessory your character will have on (if anything). -You can purchase multiple slots for unusually large creatures, such as dragons. - You must state the PayPal email for invoicing. - Submission time is till December 31th of 2017.
- All submission information will be sent to [email protected] and will be reviewed before being accepted. Please make sure everything you want for your character is finalized in a draft BEFORE you send it to my email. Incomplete submissions will get a return message stating what needs to be changed if you want your character in this piece. - If your submission is accepted, you will be sent a money order of $50 USD. Paypal will automatically do a conversion of your currency if it's of another kind. - Money sent directly to my PayPal without the invoice system will not be accepted. Please pay the invoice I send to your PayPal email address. - Refunds can only be done within the submission period. Once this time is over, no further submissions will be accepted and all money will be sent directly to Smudge Proof. At that time, he will begin drawing. - Should there be more room available after 70 characters are drawn in, there will be a second submission period where refunds are not possible, as characters will be drawn in as they are accepted. - Mod and Dev slots will be 'consumed' if they are not used within the first submission period. - When all available space is used up, excluding the border space and title, submissions will no longer be accepted, as the piece will be considered finished. - In the event your submission is a foal, or smaller than the average stallion or mare, you may not be able to have your character at 4" tall. - After everything is said and done, including the presentation at the Derpibooru panel, the piece will be posted on Derpibooru. In the event that I cannot make it to a convention, the post will go up. This also counts if a panel isn't going to happen. (Also, to clarify, I'm paying for the mounted poster out of pocket. None of the money spent on your character for this piece is going toward that.)
Refund Clause
In addition to normally getting a full refund via revoking your submission, we've also included a refund policy to better address the concerns surrounding this project, and eliminate the risk factors that were brought up. (Thank you, JoeyH3! :) ) Both Smudge Proof and I are more than happy to include this full refund policy to provide better financial security and information to our supporters. Simply put; in the event that this project fails, in any way, our supports get a full refund, no exceptions. Things that're defined to be a failure of the project are as follows:
- If we get less supporters that expected. Around 30 or less. - If the project is shut down, somehow, for whatever reason.
In addition to that, refunds that go into this clause will be issued as quickly as possible (even if I have to miss work to make sure everyone gets theirs), and at any point in time during the project, regardless of second submission times or what have you. In short, if the project fails and you were supporting it, you will get a full refund out of my pocket.
Once again, we invite the entire community of Derpibooru to participate in this event! We want a stunning piece that everyone can enjoy, and thus encourage everyone who can to be a part of something amazing!