Cloudy: HA! You won't make it like them or be that good like mother.
Sound Breaker: You wait and see sis! Someday! I'll show you.
Cloudy: I would love to see that bro! as she giggles
Sound Breaker: I want to try and see how it feels to wear a Wonderbolt uniform.
Cloudy: WHAT?! You cannot wear their uniform! they will be mad at you! Plus is to big on you Breaker
Sound breaker: shhhh! they will hear you! and besides they won't know. with confidence in him
Choudy: Grrrr ok FINE! if you get caught by one of them I'll tell them its your idea!
Sound Breaker: Fair enough! with a smile on his face
As Sound Breaker rumbling though RD and thunderlane closet looking for their wounderbolts uniform until he found something catch he's eyes
Cloudy : What.. What is this?! I never seen anything like it before.. Its the something like mother and father's uniforms but in a different color… with a shock on her face
Sound Breaker: WOW! thats sooo cool. Its soo old! with excitement
Cloudy: by the looks of it is falling apar—-
Thunderlane and RD: What are you guys going in your room? as they came into their room
Cloudy: It was Breaker's Idea! as she pointed at Sound Breaker
Sound Breaker: I.. I wanted to try out ya'll Wonderbolts uniform but I end up founding this.
Thunderlane: hehe know you to big for you lil guy. One day you become a Wonderbolt you will have your own to wear. with a smile on his face
RD: Hey! where did you find my Shadowbolts halloween costumes at?! I was looking for that old thing for ages!
Cloudy & Sound breaker: Shadowbolts!!?
Sound Breaker: What's a Shadowbolt? and Have you ever seen them mother! with a smile on his face
RD: Will Long ago in Equestria when Nightmare Moon rise these ponies call Shadowbolts. They only appear under Nightmare Moon's shadow. When she rise they rise! Legends has it they did not make it as a Wonderbolts. Some say they still out their without Nightmare Moon's shadow flying in the night sky as we speak. Others say they rise to take back what suppose to be theirs! Boo! as she surprise the foals"
Cloudy & Sound Breaker: *screams and hides
RD and Thunderlane: laughing
Cloudy: that's not funny i was really scared!
Cloudy: You got me! laughing
Thunderlane: its just a old story Cloudy, its not real.
Sound Breaker: if they was real! i Would Love to meet them! smiling with joy
RD: One day you will if the legend is real. * as she turn around and wink at Cloudy*
Thunderlane: ok kids time to hit the hay.
Sound Breaker: aww mother do we have to?
RD: Yes, Its almost pass your bedtime.
Sound Breaker: Mother?
RD: Yes?
Sound Breaker: Can I have this?
RD: that old Shadowbolts costume ? sure!
Sound breaker yells down the hall with excitement
RD: goodnight, sweet dreams
Sound Breaker: wait mother! I want to be a Wonderbolt just like you and father.
RD: stops herself before close the door We will teach you everything we know. Goodnight lil one smiling
Sound Breaker: Night mother. with a smile on his face
————————————————————— That following night——
Sound Breaker: One day I'll be a Wonderbolt like mom and i will find those Shadowbolts If the legend is real or not! Believe it! as he whispers while holding up the old costume
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