"Oh, I am! Don't get me wrong or anything. It doesn't stop me wondering what it would be like to be a… I dunno what you would call it. Body on the wall? Pony on the wall? Hmm… this'll take some thought…" Face on the Wall says as the mare passes him.
"So, what's Axon been working on recently, and when did you see him last?" Lockepicke says, coming to a door which thankfully seems to not have a puzzle associated with it.
"I'm not sure what he's been working on to be honest, he never really talks to me about that kind of thing." Face on the Wall says, frowning slightly, "As for the last time I saw him he was up in his lab on the top floor. I'm not really sure how long that was though because I only really wake up when I'm needed. Makes it pretty difficult to track the days."
Locekpicke walks through the door, and on the other side is a grand gallery lined from wall to wall with paintings. Lockepicke bites her lip. If she knew there were going to be paintings here she would have brought something to carry them in. She doubts any of these paintings could fit into the mouth of her saddlebag of holding.
It's a very odd collection. Some are perfectly normal landscapes, or pictures of soldiers or other important looking ponies. However some picture grotesque, bloated demon-like creatures, and still others show ghosts and pale, thin ponies.
"Hey, hey! Check this out! Isn't this a great painting of my master?" Face on the wall says proudly, looking from a nearby placard at a large painting of an old stallion.
It does indeed look like the description Lockepicke was given. It even has the weird beehive hat thing the people described.