A group of soldiers were approaching the giants, looking at them as they walked closer. "So we are supposed to train with them…" One them them said quietly.
Another one grinned and looked at her comrades in arms. "Of course, it will be valuable experience and will strengthen our relationships with the ponies. It will be interesting" She added.
"And you know, the Princesses will come to watch too." One them added, as he smiled at the thought.
Others chuckled. "Looking forward to meet Princess Luna?" They looked at him. "Hey, I am just saying I have wanted to meet her." He protested but laughed a bit.
As they approached the ponies, one of them started yelling and the Guards formed a line. "All right, stand in attention. We are here representing the Princesses so don't make them feel embarrassed about their guard!"
They stopped near the ponies, having to look up at the giants. "Have you been briefed about today's schedule?" He shouted, making sure that the Guards heard them over the engine noises.
"Yes, sir." The Guard pony answered. "Parachute jumps from the backs of Pegasi and unicorns will demonstrate blocking artillery shells with their magic."
"Yes." She nodded. "I am looking forward to see how this goes."
"Yes, Ma'am. This is important to us too." The giant pony nodded and they watched as the first group of parachutists were marching towards the ponies and the Pegasi got down on their belly and lowered their wing to allow them to climb on their backs.