
Love is in the air, even for background ponies!

Here, we have Derpy and Dr. Whooves kissing each other kissing each other lovingly at the Ponyville Statue with Lovestruck watching happily on Hearts and Hooves Day.

I thought of this last month while trying to think of a Valentine's Day picture to feature Lovestruck in and while I was working on a kissing picture with Cadence and Shining Armor.

I don't consider this a shipping picture by any means. Despite that I'm not a fan of shipping, I love this pair. The "Slice of Life" episode really hit it home with these 2. I've read a lot of fan comics and watch some fan animations with Derpy and the Doctor and I haven't seen any that I hate. I can honestly say that these two are OTP (One True Pairing). I also consider this picture a sort of tribute to the fan comic/animation based on Derpy and the Doctor.

The background, surprisingly, was easiest this time around. What better place in Ponyville for a romantic moment (i.e. kissing) than the Ponyville statue? Sure, there are other ponies watching, but hey, Derpy doesn't care. Also, Lovestruck is doing the "Spider Princess" pose because she's excited that they're kissing.
Have a Happy Valentine's Day!!
(To any bronies, have a Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!!)

Derpy "Muffins" Hooves — ttasa
Doctor Whooves — mizuki12341
Lovestruck — Sparkiss-Pony

Ponyville Pony Statue — BonesWolbach

Raising Hearts, Raining Hearts — SAB64

Derpy "Muffins" Hooves, Doctor Whooves, Lovestruck, background's basis — Hasbro


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