Tall and lanky for her age, with a thin frame. Underdeveloped horn and wings, it's unlikely that she'll ever be able to use magic, and it is unknown at this stage whether or not she'll be able to fly. Incapable of getting a Cutie Mark, but doesn't let that stop her. A talented dancer.
Apple Bloom — Unicorn
Average height and, while not as bulky as her brother and sister, still well-built physically, though with a leaner muscle structure. Inherited her horn from her late father, she has little control over her magic due to having no one in her family being able to teach her. A jack-of-all-trades type of skillset, Apple Bloom is a passionate engineer.
Sweetie Belle — Earth Pony
A little shorter than average, petite. Descended from prominent Crystal Pony bloodlines, Sweetie similarly exhibits their trademark gradient, shiny manes. Believes herself inferior to her elder sister, who was born a unicorn. A talented singer-songwriter, but is scared of crowds.