So this is what happened.. I know this sounds gross so I'm just gonna cover it.. About 10 days ago I went to the hospital because I hadn't had any period for five months. So short story short, I was too fat and told to have a diet.. I did it, and shed about 15 pounds.. Though I got some side effects from my diet it's called "keto flu", and in the middle of my diet, I suddenly noticed I developed these itchy red spots on my arm.. I thought it was a part of the side effects, though I told my mom, she believed it was because of the diet, so I tried to brush it off..
A few days later, my rashes started to develop blisters, yes, they're like bubbles filled with water. I did research on it but came up with nothing.. We didn't go to doctor asap cuz we didn't know what happened with me til I found an article with the same condition like mine.. It's called vesicular endogenous eczema.. We immediately went to the doctor and he said it's already in a bad condition since I didn't give my hands any treatment for 5 days.. The blisters got big, around 1-2 mm, and it got all of my hands covered, including palms, and sides of my fingers.. Bad news and good news, good news is it's easily treatable, the bad news is til now the doctor still can't find the cause.. The only possible causes are virus or meds overdose, but I got none of those.. But the doctor gave me meds and ointment.. At this rate, I can't write, let alone draw.. The fricition stings and it gets more and more painful everyday, even right now I can't open my index finger.. I won't be able to do anything rough till my hands are healed..
There you go, I hope you guys understand.. I miss drawing and doing commissions again.. Sorry if I sound confusing, it's difficult to think and type like this >< Thank you everypony..