Maaaaaann. I was hit by a sudden hard urge to draw at like 3 in the morning, and I simply… couldn't stop. Not that it's a bad thing, but…. I'd like to sleep sometimes, inspiration! Jeez. :/
Aw well… some good came out of it, so it's cool. c: I ended up drawing quite a bit, and a few of those doodles were of the Mane 6's fathers. So, I decided to go ahead and share them with ya, since I said I would! C:
So, here are the fathers of Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity. Like their mothers, two of these three are canon, while Applejack's dad is my version of him. But I'll get into his personality below. If you wanna see their wives, here they are:…
Anyway, onwards to headcanon! D:<
-Igneous Rock, an average sized stallion and the father of Pinkie Pie and the mate of Cloudy Quartz. Igneous, while the regular height of a stallion, is thick, compact, and powerful with muscles. He needs to be, working on a rock farm. This stallion is very stern, strict, and has a very very dry sense of humor, and that's only if he actually uses it. He's a straight-forward guy who doesn't like wasting time, and sometimes he doesn't know when he's being hurtful. He has a temper problem too, to the point where it reminds his mother, Surprise, a lot of his father, which… is bad, to say the least. It got to the point where, after his mother died, Igneous became cold to try to numb the feeling of sorrow he felt. It even drove him to hit his daughter, Pinkie, once. After she left, however, he fell into a depression filled with a gut-wrenching guilt toward his actions, where he finally realized that he had a problem, and sought professional help. He's since then gotten better, and he counts his blessings that his family still cares for him and rekindled their relationship regardless of his past.
Despite his harsh exterior and personal getups, Igneous genuinely does love his family.
-Hard Cider, the large and intimidating stallion and the father of Applejack and mate of Peach Velvet. Hard Cider has been named one of the largest stallions to ever live, where he was almost taller than Luna in a whopping 7'5 feet at his withers. He's big, he's frighteningly strong, he has a voice that's so deep it vibrates within your chest, and his affinity to leadership has led him to having the nickname "Chief". He is the son of Granny Smith, and the eldest among five brothers and sisters (three younger sisters, one younger brother). At some point, around the time he was old enough to buck apples and his twin siblings were born, his father suddenly upped and left, leaving Granny Smith to raise all of the kids on her own. Hard Cider soon took up responsibility after that, making him the "stallion of the house". He helped his mother feed and dress his younger siblings for school as well as escort them there, helped them with homework, worked out in the fields often, all the while balancing his own school work. And of course, relatives helped them through the hard times (including Chief's father's parents; they definitely didn't agree with what their son did to the family), but that didn't stop the colt from eventually dropping out of high school so he could better support his family (despite the relatives help, they weren't able to be there all the time, no matter how hard they tried).
These events led Hard Cider to be a strict, down to earth, straight forward and blunt sort of guy, sometimes forgetting how to just sit down and relax. However, after meeting Peach Velvet and the mare eventually winning him over, he's since learned how to relax and indulge in his hidden sense of humor. He loves his family very much, and anyone who threatens them will be in for one hell of a beating. Sadly, Chief passed on when he got into a brutal fight to protect his family (the attack from wild animals or burglars/saboteurs, your pick).
The hat AJ wears belonged to him, and the hitch collar Big Mac wears was once his as well. The bow Applebloom wears once belonged to Peach Velvet, however the bow itself was something he actually made for his wife when they were married.
-Magnum, a large, big-bellied unicorn stallion and the father of Rarity, as well as the mate of Pearl. He's a good deal taller than the average stallion, although no where near as tall as Hard Cider. While he has quite a belly on him, he's healthy and very powerful and is actually pretty agile on his hooves. He had to be, seeing as he was once a famous Hoofball (football) Linebacker. Magnum received a football scholarship that got him out of the small country town in the north, and he moved to Neigh York. There he continued to prove his skill on the fields and was eventually picked up on a professional NHL team. He traveled all over Equestria and was given the nickname the "Big Guns", and the fans absolutely loved him. He also had quite the appetite for food and alcohol, and while he did try to have a couple of relationships, most of the mares he was ever with at that point were only in it for his money.
That all changed when he visited a small cafe in Ponyville and met Pearl. She was only just starting her business so she had to work a couple of jobs to pull it off, and at this cafe she was a waitress. And Magnum, as soon as he saw her, fell in love. As friendly as she was and put up with his flirting, she refused his invitation to a date, even when she knew just how famous he was. That only made Magnum fall harder.
So whenever he could, he'd visit this little cafe just so he could see and talk to her, and the more he got to know her, the more deadset he was on finally getting her to go on a date with him. After a year of getting to know her, he was completely and fully sure that she was the mare of his dreams. He completely ignored the other mares who threw themselves at his hooves based on his fame alone, and even cut back on how much he drank (now, he still loves his booze, but he doesn't hit it nearly as hard). Finally, instead of a date, Magnum gave her an alternative; "Why don'cha come ta one of my games, eh? I'll give ya de best seat in de house!" And she agreed. From then on she went to every game he had, and every time he saw her in the crowd his performance would increase to where it seemed like he was unstoppable.
This went on for another year, and finally, after three years of him trying, Pearl finally agreed to go on a date with him. They went steady for about a year before the big guy popped the question during the finals, and of course she said yes, and they've been together ever since.
As for his personality, Magnum is the type with the booming voice and even louder laughter. He LOVES to eat, and can eat almost anything that is… well, edible (or, you know… technically edible; he ate Sweetie Belle's "food" without even flinching). The only thing he WON'T eat are olives; he thinks they're absolutely disgusting. He's funny, he's playful, and has a soft-spot for foals. Because of his big belly and deep, hearty laugh, he often volunteers to play the role of Santa Hooves for the kids. :3
WHEW! That was a mouthful! But, I hope you guys enjoyed the headcanon on three of the six fathers. If you actually read all of that, then you should give yourself a cookie… or anything sweet.