Parents: Twilight (biological mum), Tempest (biological mum), solar Shield (half sister)
Gender : Male
Species : Unicorn
Body Type : Short, A bit chubby
Special Talent : High magic performing
Job : Prince of Friendship and Magic
Likes : Reading, organizing, relaxing, books, sweets, being alone.
Bio :
Star is a stubbron colt, he'd rather be alone than be with others which causes him to not have friends often. He's alot like tempest in that he always wants to get what he wants. He's tactical, knowing situations and being able to sort problems easily. Twilight saw the trouble that he wasn't as social to the other ponies, being the prince of frienship it should have been easy for him to.
After Tempest left to be a royal guard in other kingdoms, Twilight started to date flash, they ended up with a daughter which Star became really annoyed over. Its true he preffered to be alone but he hated all the attention he was losing compared to his sister. Hes really snappy and insults her to stay away from him.