
HEY GUYS! Just giving a very quick update… I GRADUATED! I can officially say I am done with school!!!! LIKE DONE DONE!!!!! … . . .. I miss it already.

This does not mean I will be posting more. I will try my bestest to keep adding bits and pieces of the Soarindash I'm sure you're all waiting to see. (REALLY QUICKLY! THEREWASMOSTDEFINETELYANEASTEREGGINBAND-AIDLINKHERE -→!FREEREQUESTDRAWINGFORTHEFIRSTGUESSER!!!!)

ANYWAYS! Again, this does not mean I am posting more. Although I am a graduate, that means perfecting my portfolio in order to have a chance at a job. So, that is going to be my main priority. Ponies will come third art wise, mostly because I doodle a lot on paper, and all of that will be going somewhere else. ANYWHO! ONTO THE DRAWING!

I've been re-watching ponies to spark my love for them again. I am on top of the new episodes, but it just feels, different. I think it's because I've been doing other things and slowly migrated away from them that I can't connect like I used to. I've noticed many amazing artists have dropped ponies, and although it's sad, they're at their right. I don't want to fall away though, mainly because there are so many characters I haven't even touched upon! More on that on a sketch dump I plan to upload soon.

Zephyr Breeze was hiding far away from home. Rainbow Dash was it, and he had heard his sister be found multiple times to know that she was good.

Too good.

He was shaking in fear. Mostly because of the anxiety caused by the anticipation of the scare. His sister had always been braver than him, but hearing her scream so much in one afternoon was not at all reassuring.

Rainbow Dash had first noticed Zephyr after about three hours she was dropped off for her playdate. He was hiding under the table because he wanted to spy.

How could Fluttershy make a friend? She had only been friends with animals until now. They seemed to get along, but Rainbow Dash was so rowdy. And fast. And sometimes, a bit rude. She also had no respect for personal boundaries.

He pouted a little in anger. He just didn't get it. How could his sister become friends with her?


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Zephyr screamed as he jumped 10 feet into the air.

When he came back down he backed into the corner of the alley he hid behind.

"H-eh-eh-hehe! Wow! You sure were hard to find! And you're not as much of a scaredy pony like Fluttershy! I like you kid! You're fun!"

She had one hoof on his little chest and her face was so close to his. She was moving in closer to

Both ponies ears tilted towards the same direction. Rainbow Dash's mother was calling her.

Zephyr barely had time to shield himself from the dust she picked up when she flew away.

"I like you kid!" resignated in his brain until he realized his mother was calling him too. He galloped towards home, his little wings happy and his face red. He was full of energy!

"Zephyr? Are you okay? You're face is all red."

Zephyr turned towards his sister who was standing next to his mom.

He nodded, hiding a little behind his hair.

His focus shifted towards the little blue filly with the rainbow mane flying towards the sunset.

Maybe it was a good thing his sister made friends with this weird pony. She made him feel, different.
Wow. This is a long description. Pardon me.


I know a lot of folks don't like Zephyr, but I do! His character is so annoying its totally realistic. I mean, who doesn't know someone like this in real life? Besides! SO MANY ROUTES TO GO FOR A BACKSTORY!

I feel like he would also be quite the scaredy pony. His ego and flare would slowly come out thanks to Rainbow Dash. More on that later. BUT YEAH!

I don't really like the shadows on this one, mainly because you can tell its'a a texturized brush, which isn't a bad thing. It just annoys me! HOWEVER! I. AM. IN. LOVE. WITH. THAT. BLUSHING! GAHHHHHHH! I RALLY AM! IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL AND PINK!

cough cough Anyways. Hope you have an amazing weekend guys, hugs and kisses to you all! I LOVE YOU!
Ponies belong to Hasbro.
EDIT: Dash wasn't going in to kiss him. This is by all means, Zephyr's P.O.V. None of that in my gallery! >w0


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