Luna had travelled far, flying deep within caribou territory for the search of the 15th Rifle Company lead by one Captain Leafwood, who had taken over a hundred ponies within caribou territory to conduct raids upon what the caribou claim to be civilian areas that sat along the Hjalord/Equestrian border. It had only been nearly a year since the Treaty of Svesta was signed, ending the Pony/Caribou war in a truce, an unsteady, unpopular truce.
King Dainn Stonehoof, tyrannical ruler of Hjalord, promised that if these attacks would not stop then he would have no choice but to hold all of Equestria responsible, and act accordingly. And Equestria was ill equip to handle another war, having most of her military depleted in both the war and the Storm King's assault. The treaty MUST be preserved. And Luna was chosen for this task.
Luna had fought alongside Leafwood during the war, leading them through the worst of the fighting. The two forming a strong bond, becoming good friends during it all. Thus she was the only one who could, with luck, stop his rampage. She came with a contingent of guards as well as a liaison, Major Halafax of the Caribou army, the only way for her to safely travel Hjalord. Luna saw firsthand what the captain's guerilla warfare had caused, burnt buildings and ruined vehicles, though never allowed a closer inspection. A week of searching finally lead Luna to Leafwood's hidden FOB, the place surrounded by Dainn's forces. If she could not convince the stallion to leave with her, then they'd all be slaughtered.
Luna went to the camp alone, no guards, no caribou, nothing. Leafwood greeted her with open arms, smiling wide and warm. She returned the gesture in kind, shaking his hand before going for a tight hug, "It is good to see you again" she said.
The two walked around an old bombed out home, with Luna expressing her concern to why he was attacking the caribou and threatening the peace between the two nations. Leafwood scoffed, "Peace? The caribou don't care about peace, this is just breathing room…to rearm"
Luna watched him, furrowing her brow, "And this gives you justification to attack? Of threatening to tear apart this treaty that we've worked so hard to bring?"
Leafwood kicked the wall of the old house, "These warehouses, these so called villages…all in throwing distance of our own border towns?! You're highness, please, search those buildings and trucks yourself and you'll see I'm right!"
"I will not freely gallivant across Hjalrod on a hunch! It would risk opening the war over again"
"Oh of course" Leafwood scoffs, "Luna, I thought that you of all ponies would understand…you've been out here, you know what it's like…nopony back in Canterlot understands the caribou more than us, their cruelty…they won't stop until every last mare is in shackles" he slammed his fist upon the house, choking back a sob, "Or dead…"
Luna walked over and placed her hand on his shoulder, "Leaf…" she whispered. She saw the anguish in his eyes, the pain that was deeper than just paranoia of rearmament. Leafwood brushed her aside, sitting himself down on an old stone bench, staring down at the patchy grass. Luna took a breath, "There's more to this, isn't there?"
"No," Leafwood said through clenched teeth, "I'm doing my duty, to protect my home…"
Luna shook her head, "Cherrywood, that's what this is about." Cherrywood, a border town raided by the caribou during the later days of the war, stallions, mares, and foals, all slaughtered without mercy. The greatest atrocity during the conflict. And Leafwood's home.
Leafwood turned away, his silence all telling. Luna sat next to him, gazing out at the rolling fields, "Living with anger and hatred, until it becomes normal, so much so that you don't know any other way of living…I nearly murdered my sister because I allowed that hatred to build and build…" she said, letting out a mirthless chuckle.
The captain kept his gaze on the ground, finally thinking through the events of the past week. His crusade was nothing more than a rampage of revenge. He wanted to make them pay for taking away his family. Luna sat silently, letting her friend mule over his thoughts for as long as he needed. Within a few minutes he finally raised his head up to her, "You…remember that song you used to sing? The old one?" Luna's brow perked up that. During the war she was leading the 23rd Rifle Division, specifically the unit that Leafwood was in. Months in that frozen hell would have made the strongest earth pony crack, but Luna held them all together, her spirit, her honor, her bravery, and her resolve kept them going. And they in kind kept her from faltering. Before and after a battle she would call many to the fire pits, leading into songs of war and glory. And one that was almost as old as herself. Luna raised her head, letting the lyrics flow.
The minstrel foal to the war is gone In the ranks of death he will find him
Leafwood raised his head up as the words flooded back into his memory, gently adding his voice to the song.
His father's sword he hath girded on And his wild harp slung behind him "Land of Song" said the warrior bard "Tho' all the world betrays thee One sword, at least, thy right shall guard One faithful harp shall praise thee"
The two let the moment simmer between them, both staring off into nothingness. Leafwood broke the silence with a chuckle, "This…this isn't something I can win against…is it?" he said, smiling a mirthless smile. Luna turned to him, and with joyless smile she said, "No, my friend…it is not…"