
i kinda redesigned my princess oc for my next gen — i gave her better accessories and completely changed her cmand she has a name now!she still has the same basic backstory — but ive thought of a lil more fleshed out version
valentine showed up one day out of the blue to equestria — she ran into the palace and frantically told celestia and luna that she had fled her kingdom
she claims she hails from the kingdom of cardia, but not even historians can find it on any map
valentine insists that the maps used in equestria arent even big enough to cover where her kingdom would be and that its somewhere far to the westthe question, of course, is why did she flee her kingdom? shes the princess, so surely she is coming to equestria for help?

well valentine assures the princesses not to worry about and that the cardian millitary has the problem covered.
she dodges the question of what exactly the threat is, and she insists that she stays in the royal castle as is her place as a princess
months pass into years and she is still living in equestria with no word back from her kingdom on its status
with no one in equestria able to even locate the kingdom, let alone travel there -and with valentine refusing to make the trip back herself for fear of danger that could befall her,
the princesses decided to give her a few royal duties so she isnt just living there for free
essentially she has become a partial equestrian princess and while most of equestria is accepting, a few are still a bit wary of her presence


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