The pink coated earth pony looked around the room for the filly in question, locating her in the far corner, leaning against one of the barres. She was another earth pony, orange cream colored fur dark against her light yellow outfit. A matching ribbon also tied her pink and purple mane up into a bun, which was held steady as the filly released her hold of the barre and did a series of pirouettes, in what the other would consider perfect form. Unfortunately, one of the ties on one of her ballet slippers came loose, causing her lose balance and stumble forward. Balleto rushed over to her, steadying her before she had a chance to hit the floor. “Are you alright?” she questioned, watching the other’s bright orange eyes light up upon seeing her.
“Yeah, I’m fine! Sorry ‘bout that. You must be Balletomane, right?”
The pink filly nodded, smiling timidly. “That’s me…You’re Angel Cake?”
Angel flashed a bright grin, standing on the tips of her hooves and giving a quick curtsy. “The one an’ only! Have you come to practice with me?”
“Sure, why not? Mom noticed you were all alone and suggested I be your partner.”
“Well I’d be honored, Miss Balleto. Of course, once I get this blasted slipper re-tied. That’s the second time today!”
Balletomane giggled, offering a hoof. “Here, let me help.” She wrapped the bands back into place around the other earth pony’s hind leg, securing them with a double knot. “That should do it.”
“Thank ya kindly! Now let’s get this show on the road. Do ya mind helping me with the second routine? I can’t quite get the last part down.”
“Sure! Whenever you’re ready.”
The pair got into position, using the mirror across from them as a guide while they went through the motions of the routine. Right on cue, Angel faltered towards the end, her steps uncertain and wobbly. The pink earth pony frowned. “Hmm. Let’s try that again, only this time you watch me towards the end and follow my lead.”
“Sure thing, sugarcube!”
The motions were repeated, only Balleto slowed her pace with the last few steps, making sure that Angel was following her every move. When they stopped, she smiled brightly. “You did it, Angel!”
The orange filly beamed, repeating the steps once more to make sure she got the hang of it. “I did! All thanks to a great practice partner.”
Ballet pone et Ballet pone
My entry for qatsby 's NG Meeting Contest. I had a lot of fun with this piece, and the scenario is something I could see happening between these two, especially considering that they share a similar interest. Good luck to all of the other participants!