Suddenly, she heard a knock at the door followed by hoofsteps approaching her. She thought she had locked the door when she barreled into her room earlier but in her frustration she forgot. Figures that anypony who passed by had easy access.
“Going to bed early, Coco?”
Almost instantaneously she pulled the blanket over her head, shaking ever-so-slightly as she tried to hold in her whimpering noises so that whoever was there wouldn't notice. Finally she let out a small yip, "Yes please! I'm not feeling w-well."
Confetti Surprise came over to her bedside and rubbed her back. “You seemed to be feeling fine earlier. Do you want me to take your temperature?”
"No! I'm fine! Leave please!" Chocolate pulled the blanket over her tighter and struggled to turn her body away from her mother, in the process accidentally exposing her face and the tears running down her cheeks.
“Coco, honey, what’s wrong? Are you crying?” Confetti gently pulled the blanket away and sat down next to the bed. “You know you can always tell me how you’re feeling.”
The little brown earth pony turned her face up to her mother, her bright magenta eyes bloodshot as if she had been crying for hours. "Fine. I guess I'm…a little upset but it's fine!” Chocolate rubbed her back, a subtle grimace growing on her face
Confetti pursed her lips. “Is this about the game Daddy and the others have been playing?”
Confetti had hit the nail right on the head. Her daughter’s lip quivered and she began to cry profusely again. "It isn't fair. I never get to play or visit Grandma Dash on my own or see my cousins! It isn't fair!"
“Oh, Coco,” Confetti frowned and pulled the filly in for a hug. “I’m so sorry. Is this how you’ve been feeling all this time?”
"Duh…" She mumbled out in frustration. "You wouldn't understand.."
“I do understand,” Confetti nodded assuringly. “You know how Nana and Grampa are both earth ponies like you?”
"Yes! I-I love visting them!" Chocolate perked up at the mention of her grandparents, they always made her feel special and included.
Confetti smiled. “Well, everypony in my family was an earth pony. Nana, Grampa, Aunt Creamy and Uncle Cheesy, and even my aunts. Why, I stuck out like a peppermint in a box of caramels whenever I was around them. There were a lot of earth pony games I couldn’t play. I was one of a kind…just like you.”
"How did you deal with it though?" Chocolate began wiping her tears away, sitting up in bed as she listened to her mother’s story. Every so often she would look over to her rain boots as an idea came to mind.
“I found my own ways to spend time with the family! I didn’t let the things that made me different stop me from loving and spending time with them. After awhile I just stopped letting it bother me.” Confetti patter Coco’s hoof affectionately. “I know it’s hard, but you can too. If I talk to Daddy tonight, how about tomorrow we do something all of us can enjoy?”
"That sounds like fun! But…maybe there's something we can do right now too!" Chocolate slid out of her bed in excitement, rushing over to her closet and slipping her rainboots on. "Mommy, can you ask Daddy if he could make some rainclouds in our backyard so there's some puddles to play in?"
“Of course!” Confetti trotted out of the room after Coco, ready for some family fun.