Born to Silly


Rarity was in her store in Ponyville. She was fixing up and tiding up her store. The bell rang as Rarity turned to see who came through the door. A smile spread across her face to see Sweetie Bell coming in. Accompany her was a brown colt, Button Mash was his name. "Hi Rarity!" came Sweetie greeted. "Hello Sweetie Bell and how are you?" "Fine." Sweetie replied, "Button Mash and I have a school project to work on. It's our final project until finals." "Ad after that we're out of here!" Button said as Sweetie hoof bumped him. "Graduation baby!" she said in good cheer. Rarity gave a mischievous glance as she said, "Well alright than. Try not to get too distracted with each other, kay?" Sweetie Bell blushed as Button avoided her gaze. "Rarity." she said. "I'm teasing darling." she chuckled as she used her magic to sweep up the mess. Button and Sweetie Bell walked upstairs as Rarity looked after them. She sighed in glee, "Ah young love."

She wiped down a window with a rag as the bell rang. Turning to greet the customer she said, "Welcome to Rarity's boutique, how may I-" She stopped mid-sentence when she faced the pony. He wasn't wearing his usual formal cloths, his mane was a little out of place, and his blue eyes were stained in tears. Immediately Rarity dropped the rag as she rushed over to his side. "Fancy Pants!" she said in shock, "Whatever are you doing here? More importantly, what happened to you?" He faced Rarity as he said, "It's Fleur." "Is she alright?" Rarity asked. "She-she dumped me!" he finally cried as he flopped down to the floor. Rarity looked back at him in shock. Clearly the shop could wait. As she flipped the sign form "open" to "close" Rarity went back to Fancy's side. Tilting his chin up she said, "Now why don't you and I have a little tea while you tell me what happened."

Rarity took a sip of tea as Fancy blew his nose. They were now sitting in the living room. Rarity managed to calm down Fancy and his crying as they had a little tea and cookies. "Now," Rarity finally said, "Tell me what happened." "Well," Fancy sniffed, "It went like this. I come home to find Fleur in a angry state. She seemed tense so I went over to her. I asked her if she were all right as she said, "No I'm not alright!" So than I asked what's wrong and she said I was what's wrong with her." Tossing a tissue in the trash he said, "Soon we were in a heated arguement. She was blaming me for always going off and never paying attention to her. Not only was she my marefriend but my bodyguard! I mean how much more attention do you want than that? Then she wanted to confront me about my money problem. Recently I have hit some hard time with my money and now I'm making below minimum wage. I tell her why money is a problem and dared ask her is that all she cared about. In anger she started packing her things. I told her not to go but instead she came up to me and shoved the suitcase in my face. She was sending me away!" Tears came to his eyes as he said, "Can you believe that? Kicked out of my own home. However now that she has enough money and I can't afford it, by law it was hers now. I don't know what I did to her to deserve this! I've always treated her with the upmost respect and love and this is how I'm repaid?" He buried his face into his hooves as he mumbled, "Now what am I to do? I can't just go back and I have no idea what to do!"

Rarity could almost feel exactly the pain Fancy was going through. How horrible this must have been for him. She knew well enough how long they had been dating and now she was being an absolute snob and treating Fancy like this when all he's ever done for her was the best? Taking a deep breath she calmly walked over to Fancy's side. She settled beside him as Fancy continued to cry. "Fancy," she started, "You need to stop." "What?" he asked, slightly looking up at her. "You," Rarity said before darting her eyes, "You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. This is hard, yes. Extremely hard even. But if you focus so much on what's going wrong, before you know it you'll be stuck in a depressing hole." Fancy's chin rested on his hooves. "But it's just so much." he replied. "Look," Rarity said, "Life is going to have some ups and downs. You are a dashing, strong, and sturdy pony. You need to get out of that hole and work your way back up!" She smiled at him as she said, "You're bound to find another mare, one who will be a million times better than Fleur." "It's been years though." Fancy considered. "And now you see the pony she truly is," Rarity said, "And now's your chance to get back up again and show her what she missed." "Tell you what," Rarity said, "How about you work for me?Here in the shop. I can help you get back on your hooves and soon enough you'll be back where you used to be, maybe even better." Fancy finally faced her, "You-you would really do that for me?" "But of course!" Rarity said in surprise. "Why?" was all he could ask. "Well because you're my friend and I hate to see you like this." Rarity replied. Fancy looked to the side as Rarity gave him a small, warm smile. Wiping away a tear Fancy said, "Rarity, I would love to work for you. Thank you, you truly are the Element of Generosity."

They smiled at each other, their eyes full of warmth. Suddenly snickering came followed by some taunting. "Ooooo," Button Mash and Sweetie Bell said from the steps, "Somepony's got a crush!" They started making kissing noises as Rarity and Fancy looked at one another. Blushes filled their faces as Rarity shot a glare at the two. "So much for being mature!" she shouted as the two ponies ran back upstairs. Looking back at Fancy she said, "Would you like to start by helping me clean the rest of the shop?" Getting up first he said, "It would be my pleasure." Offering his hoof to her he said, "Madame." Giggling Rarity said, "Oh Fancy, very kind of you." As they went to go clean up, the two couldn't help but feel something go between them. A nice feeling that they would soon invest in more in the near future.

And here is the second piece of my Lightverse head cannon. This is how Rarity and Fancy Pants get together. Isn't it a cute start?

After a very hard break-up with Fleur De Lis, Rarity made it her best interest to help in any way to her friend Fancy Pants. She knew Fancy and Fleur had been dating for years and knew it must have been hard for him. So Rarity decided to cheer him up by allowing him to help her work in her Ponyville Boutique. He accepted the offer and appreciate her efforts to help him get back on his hooves. They had only intended for it to last a month or two but they found themselves enjoying each other’s company. Overtime Fancy realized how much Rarity meant to him and asked if she would be his very special somepony who accepted with pleasure. They continued to push outside their comfort zones and try something new. Eventually they got married and while she had her shop in Canterlot, she had decided to make her old shop in a Ponyville a fashion and design school. Fancy on the other hoof, decided what he wanted to do was to teach and landed a job at Twilight’s Friendship Academy.
Applespike (…)

Raripants (That's here silly ~)
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