Sand: Why? If you're not gonna say something, I am!
(Reaches the Cafe and Sand Dollar looks through the window)
Topsy: Please.. *trying to catch her breath* Please dont go in there! Shes probably busy-
Sand: Looks dead in there to me. She's behind the bar, right?
Topsy: Y-yes, but— Wait!
(Sand Dollar opens the door and enters before Topsy could finish. Groaning, Topsy follows her in)
Lavender:*notices them and smiles* Ah! Costumers! Welco- .. Oh, its you again Toffee! Did you bring a friend, then?
Sand:*exchanges a look with Topsy and whispers* "Toffee"? Thats the best you could come up with? *laughs a little and sits down*
Topsy:*blushes a bit and sits beside her silently*
Lavender: What would you like then? Toffee, another chamomile, perhaps?
Topsy: Uh, no, I'm fine.
Sand: Actually, she'll have your address.
Lavender:*blushes a bit, taken aback* My.. my address?
Topsy: Lavender, she didnt mean that! She's just joking!
Sand: Oh Topsy, grow a pair! Listen, this pony isnt named "Toffee" and shes too damn shy to do this herself, so will you go out with my friend, please? She likes you.
Lavender:*blinks slowly and stares at Sand Dollar* Did.. did you just say, "Topsy"? As in—
Sand: Yep, Princess Topsy Turvy. Thats who she is! Come on, Tops, show her!
Topsy:*blushing a deep red now and hides her face.. Groans and then changes back for a few seconds before going back to her disguise*
Lavender: You're.. you're the Princess! And.. and you like ME?! I.. I dont know what to say!
Sand: Say yes!
Lavender: Princess?
Topsy: It's.. its true. I do like you..
Lavender: I'm.. I'm honored.. My answer is yes!
Topsy:*her head shoots up, blushing* Really?!
Lavender: Really. You know.. now that I think about it.. I should've known it was you.
Topsy: Why's that?
Lavender: Your… disguise; It's not exactly fool proof! *giggles a bit*
Sand:*laughs hard*
Topsy:*looks away embarressed* I.. I was in a hurry.
Lavender: It's alright, its cute.. You're cute.
Topsy:*smiles nervously* So.. do you want to meet me at the castle on Hearts and Hooves day?
Lavender: Sure.. You or Toffee?
Topsy:*laughs finally* Me! And just call me Topsy!