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>Hey, I'm Anon This is my fiancee Fleet foot and out indentured servant Tight Fit.
Fleetfoot blushes, "Fi-fiancee? I thought we were just swinging… I mean the sex is relly… Really good. and I guess we have been living together and…"
"Sorry to cut off your fiancee?.. but my name is Marie"
>So if the crab is your dad does that mean that your father had sex with a pony?
"I really didn't want to think about that but yeah… I guess…"
>Wait, Fleetfoot… Does that mean I could get you pregnant?
"Celetia, I hope so… Uhh, I mean I have no idea! I'm not a biologist!"
>Hey, do you know a way out of here? I've kinda seen my fair share of trippy shit today.
"I guess there's a way out of the caves through the smooze caves but I've never tried going through there myself…"

What do?


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