When Rainbow chastised Rarity's critique of Daring Do's action scenes due to the fact that they both knew that Daring Do was real and the stories were based on true events, a thought crossed my mind that I knew I wanted to make the basis for this comic: What if Shadow Spade is also real? What if her stories are actually stealth autobiographies just like Daring's, and the only difference is the Mane 6 just don't know about the other one? Furthermore, what if Daring and Shadow are ALSO friends sharing a dynamic similar to Rainbow and Rarity and still getting along despite their differences, further cementing this episode's moral and putting R&R's arguments in a new perspective?
…I don't know if any of this is funny, but I wanted to get the idea out there. And now I want to read a real book series chronicling the adventures of Shadow Spade. Daring Do already has one, and honestly I think I'd be more interested in seeing her mysteries than Daring's temple raids.
Hope you all can appreciate a wide range of literature and media… and people, too! On to the next episode!
Daring Do, Shadow Spade, and My Little Pony belong to Hasbro and DHX.