The purple stallion eyed his surroundings before opening the book with a relieved sigh. He did prefer the comfort of his own room but his mother had began hovering around his chambers more than usual while he just wanted to be left alone with his research.
Only a few minutes of silence passed however before he started hearing rustling in the trees above him. At first he tried to block it out but as the sound grew louder and more intense he started to look up just as a big apple dropped straight down on his head and bounced to the ground.
“Fucking hell!” he swore loudly dropping one side of the book to instinctively cover his head.
He heard several thuds all around him as more fruits seemed to rain down from the tree, all of them different kinds and definitely not part of the actual tree.
“Oh hey, where did you come from?” He heard a voice above him and as he looked up he saw the face of a light blue filly hanging upside down with her head poking out from the leaves. Before he had any time to respond the filly gasped and spoke once again “Did you teleport here? It’s so neat when ponies do that. I like how it looks like a bright firework when they poof away”
Slightly baffled by this strange filly Inkwell took a while to grumble out a response.
“I did not teleport, teleporting is not something I can do as I am not a unicorn. Now what in Celestia’s gosh darn name are you doing? Also please do it somewhere else”
The filly looked at the fruit scattered on the ground.
“Well I have this friend who is really good at kicking down apples from trees and I wanted to practice so that I could impress her later, though I couldn’t find any wild fruit trees so I decided to make one instead by putting fruits on a normal tree, but then I couldn’t find enough apples so I just took whatever I could find” She rambled on barely taking any break to breath.
Inkwell scrunched up his muzzle and turned back to his book. “Well that’s an embarrassingly dumb plan” he scoffed “You can’t just put loose fruit on a branch and expect it to act like real apples. You would just need to shake the trunk lightly and they would fall off”
The filly laughed at this. “I know that silly, that’s why I was about to glue them on but then I lost my grip of them”
Inkwell looked at her like she was a mad mare who just suggested he eat the book instead of reading it to gain it’s knowledge. Before he got time to respond however she jumped out of the tree and came up close to him.“What are you reading?” she asked looking at him expectantly.
Inkwell pulled the book closer to his chest as to protect it from prying eyes.
“Judging by your ridiculous reasoning it’s about things you wouldn’t understand”
“Well I’ve read lots of books, maybe I’ll recognize it” she says while forcefully shoving her muzzle into the book and reading a few lines.
Inkwell, surprised by her lack of respect for personal space, yelps and yanks the book away. The filly keeps her head close to him and hums slightly.
“Ancient spells huh. ‘Illusions, disguises and and body switching’ Looking to get an illusion-amulette?”
“I wasn’t reading that section” Inkwell mumbled under his breath and slammed the book shut.
“Oh hey, I’m Haywire by the way!” the filly beamed at him, seemingly unaware of the dark expression on his face.
“Don’t care” He answered and stood up to walk away.
“Where are you going?” Haywire asked tilting her head to the side like a confused dog.
“Anywhere else but here” He said in a low voice “I need to be alone to think”
Man its been a while since I drew anything. I really need to work on my backgrounds and outdoor shading.
Anyway this is Inkwell and Haywire's first encounter with one another. It was an odd one, for Inky at least.
I'm in the process of writing the story for this one. In the meantime feel free to make up your own context haha
Edit: Hey look at that I actually managed to finish some dialouge, yay me!
Characters seen: