Before you decide to rummage through Daisy’s kitchen Red squirms around in a fussy fit when you rest her on the couch._
Plasma: “Okay, just try to take a few deep breaths and tell me where it hurts.”
Red: ”Ugh, everywhere. L-like a wave of pain coming from my head and my body is on fire.”
Plasma: ”Your head huh? Well that might be a side thing from losing your horn. You see it's kinda like a form of swelling tha-”
Red: ”Quit being a nerd and just make it stop!”
Plasma: ”Okay, okay, geez. Here's the first part of the cure.”
You give Red a gentle kiss on the forehead.
Red: ”W-what was that for, stop fooling around!”
Plasma: ”Oh, you know. For making me breakfast.”
Red: “Fuck you, you narcissistic ass. That food is for me! Keep your hooves off my toast!”
As you head back in the kitchen you can see that Red was using too many ingredients to have only been cooking for herself… Then again she might also just have spilled a lot of stuff due to the lack of hooves or magic.
Plasma: ”That's the ticket, keep distracted to ignore the pain. Why don't you tell me about your dad or something?”
Red: ”Urgh, I don't wanna.”
Plasma: ”Oh, why not? I thought we were bonding before.”
Red: ”Because, ah- I said so!”
You guess Red is too upset to talk casually. That's fine though because you think you might have found a cure for her. After looking everywhere in the kitchen you finally check the fridge and find booze, booze, and more booze. It's a bit old school but alcohol is a numbing agent.
Red: ”Ugh keep away from my breakfast.”
Plasma: ”Aw don’t be like that. Here comes the airplane~!”
Red gives you the stink eye as you fly the toast around her head and making airplane noises and feed her.
Red: ”…You forgot the butter.”
Plasma: ”I think you’ll forgive me once you see what I got you.”
You pull out a bottle of Applejack Daniels and whisk it in front of her.
Red: ”Just give me the damn bottle.”
While you spend the next few minutes nursing Red til Daisy walks into the room holding a pair of new robotic griffon arms.
Daisy: ”Hey guys I-… What am I watching?”
Plasma: ”The healing process.”
Daisy’s eyes widen and she hops next to you on the couch.
Daisy: ”S-she’s sooo cute! Can I feed her?”
Plasma: ”Go ahead.”
You pass Daisy the bottle of booze and let her feed Red, who’s comfortablely enjoying the drink while snuggled up in Daisy’s arms. You think her lack of swearing means the booze is starting to hit.
Plasma: ”So you had some news?”
Daisy: ”OH! Yup, I finished the limbs! They’re a bit basic and could definitely be improved but I was able to gather enough spare parts to make some protype legs.”
Plasma: ”Dang, that was really fast! You must be some kind of genius.”
Daisy: ”Naw, I mean I'm good, but not that good. There was just enough spare parts too work with. Lots of people toss their old biotics and augmentations here so I just needed to replace more hazardous an’ gross parts, and refurbish the mechanical insides… Along with a few adjustments. Now we just need a doctor to install them.”
Plasma: ”Sweet! Ya hear that Red, you’re gonna walk again.”
Daisy lifts the bottle so Red can speak.
Red:”Yeaaaaa~, I’m medicated, let’s go put my legs in now.”
Once you sober Red a little you and Daisy take her off to the nearest walk in clinic and to get the procedure done. The costs are a very cheap 100 credits thanks to Daisy having already made parts for the doctors. The place is pretty small but homey and you have an nice stack of magazines to read, Daisy takes a seat next to you as you both wait for Red. You see several other races here who have bionic and robotic augmentations. It almost feels like you’re in a old school sci-fi movie.
What do you do?
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