“Rarity and I have been spending a lot of time at the spa. At least once a week, I’ve been meeting with her. We’d discuss a lot during those sessions. It kind of… substituted what I used this journal for. During the week, however, I’ve been visiting family outside of town. My brother, unfortunately, got into an accident where he broke his leg. Due to how busy Mom and Dad are, I was given the opportunity to provide a home for him. Eventually, he will be able get back on his hooves. During that time, I was able to do any and all chores for the two of us… and, my goodness… it’s been stressful. I’m not used to living with someone else, at least, not as a fully grown mare with her own home. One of the biggest hurdles was juggling my priorities with animals, any favors my brother needed, and my personal life. I don’t think I’ve been this busy since the competition! I love my brother, and I’m happy to do anything for him, but it’s been really hard to maintain everything in a smooth, orderly fashion. I may regret writing this, but I think this injury made him a bit more… lazy. It’s almost as if I’m playing the role of mother and he’s the child. I think this has affected my gains as well. I haven’t been working out as much; I think I lost a lot of muscle. Not exercising regularly, like I used to, had done more harm than good…
“After consulting with Rarity, she told me I should say something. Even though I believe she’s right, I can’t seem to bring myself to do it.
“That’ll change tomorrow. I’ll… try to, at least. After all, Applejack once said ‘A closed mouth doesn’t get fed.’ I’ll see if I can convince him to do more work around that house.”