With Match's new commissions coming out i've had some new lines to play around with and this is the first thing to be completed from them. This is also bit of a gift for him for the awesome work on my Wonderbolt commission. The body seemed close to the buffness of his Applebloom so i threw her head on it (It was initially Fleetfoot, IS ANYONE SURPRISED?)
Anyhow, here is what i used for this picture:
Base body shape, legs, and lowered arm were taken from Applejack here: >>1916169 The base for the flexed arm and hand and the hand on her hip were taken from Dash in a commission that hasnt been posted here yet (The smile was taken from Applejack here too: Here Bloom's head and tail were taken from here: >>1905176 The abs were custom built using several lines from the base body. The breast and clothing details are edited from the base image as well. Chest muscles were custom made using assorted lines from Match's work. Text was added for lulz.
Standard disclaimer: I AM NOT THE ARTIST nor did i draw ANY of the lines that were used to create this image so i claim ZERO ownership. All of the artwork and lines used belong to Matchstickman. I did construct some lines from scratch, but i used lines originally drawn by Match to piece them together so i do not claim credit there either. I am just a big fan of his and his work is fun to mess with in photoshop. 100% of the credit goes to him because i could not make these without him drawing his own stuff first and i only upload these here because he is okay with it.