There's gonna be a huge dump of these, as I recently realized while I was thinking of what scenarios to do, that I didn't have enough designs for the older ponies, and that means I'll be working on a lot of them, so there may be a gap between the story pieces and the next one, as I fill out the cast of the show. This may mean more simple descriptions, though for some ponies, it's just because a lot will be revealed later rather then just now, and the history isn't as important. So forgive me for the shorter descriptions.
Drill Instructor Vapor Trail is possibly the strongest Pegasus in the Wonderbolts register, but has chosen the more peaceful life as the drill instructor (duh) for the Academy; married to her childhood crush, Sky Stinger, he is still part of the Academy while she advanced to a managerial position, she refuses to go easy on her husband; she'd lose her job if she did. She's absolutely a hardass now, especially to Rumble, her most annoying recruit, even rivaling her husband in cocky self-assuredness, except espousing a constant anti-Cutie Mark rhetoric that is completely irrelevant, blaming his long stay in the Academy to the biases of Vapor Trail, but she's not buying it. He's just not that great.
In general, she's managed to pull off more of a disappointed mother schtick for her 'angry drill instructor' act, as she's not a yelling type. Just disappointed in you; you can do better. She's dedicated to her job because she doesn't believe she can actually perform as a wonderbolt, much to the disappointment of Spitfire, who is constantly needling her to get some damn confidence; she has double the wingpower of any other known pegasus that's been in the reserve, sure she doesn't have the speed, but she needs to step up and learn to be less of a doormat; it's why Spitfire, when Vapor Trail insisted she was only suited for paperwork, made her the Drill Instructor, so she'd grow a spine. It's working, but not well enough.