
So this is an idea that came to mind last night while listening to stuff from the OST from the Hearts of Iron 4 DLC Waking the Tiger, ironic considering this turned into a Total War based project idea; but I've been playing a lot of that lately. But the concept began on the premise of: in Fallout Equestria during its great war, how pervasive would armor be really? At some point they would convert to fatigues out of cost and efficiency. After all you don't begin fielding large armies in full plate, like the guard from the show. From this and some discussion with some friends it turned into something like the unit cards from the Total War series, the graphical depictions of the units in armies on the game map and when on the battlefield.

At some point I may go over to do the same treatment with the Zebra armies but I'm going to finish the Equestrian line first, I guess. The three first cards represent what would basically be the opening roster/selection of the Equestrian Royal Army.

To also have some additional fun, unit stats thrown together on the spot:
Melee attack: 4
Melee defense: 1
Armor: 3
Landed armor: 1
Charge Bonus: 80
Anti-Air skill: 100
Reload: <melee>
Morale: 20
Soldiers in Unit: 20

Produced from: Skycity
Special Abilities: Sky Clearance, when present in army player no longer has to wait for the sky to clear, all fighting conditions optimal.
- Can also act as saboteur agents, saboteur missions become battles.
Unit Limit: 2

Description: ostensibly entertainers the skill of the Wonderbolts makes them a valuable asset to be immediately called on times of dire threat. While not any more a collection of soldiers as the Guard, they offer speedy abilities that would grant an edge. Probably best used as skirmish on ground forces or keeping those same skies clear.


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