Emerald asks what he should do with her skull, and if she wants a Hiwot prayer to send her off.
"Do you even know any Hiwot prayers?" She replies.
Emerald shakes his head.
"Then it's fine. Take my skull to Sushi I guess. I don't really care either way. I Just don't want my family to worry." Cherry replies.
Emerald asks about the Anti-Hiwot group.
"You have to realize that there are two sides to every coin. This includes the zebra gods. Basically, an Anti-Hiwot worshipper believes that civilization and a lawful existence is anathema to life. Therefore they try their best to tear apart any large cities." She says with a sigh.
Emerald asks what Sushi looks like. Cherry gives him a very vague description of an earth pony with a hair bob. Her cutie mark is apparently two pieces of sushi together.