"Hi!” Amy greeted him. “I'm taking Bedbug to meet my mother."
Hawk nodded in understanding, knowing of her situation. Hearing her girlfriend’s voice, Bedbug ran down and gave her a kiss.
"Hey, girl! What's cooking?"
"Well, you know how you were saying you never got to know my mom?”
"Yeah girl! She's dead, right? Isn’t that why your dad’s always crying and stuff?”
"Yeah…” Amy nodded. “That’s why I want you to meet her.”
Bedbug paused. “Wait, you just said she was dead? What are you on about?”
The two arrived at the graveyard and sat in front of Paint Swirl's grave. Bedbug grew unusually sober as she regarded the quiet scene around them.
"She died when I was five after she had Palette and Mozart." Amy explained. "She was a great mom to me and Airbrush, and Dad says she was an amazing wife."
"I bet she was…" Bedbug nodded. She hadn’t fully realized how this affected her girlfriend until now.
"So, do you wanna say anything to her?" Amethyst inquired.
"’Kay, sure." Bedbug shrugged before turning to Paint's grave. "Miss Paint, I'm so lucky to have your baby as my girlfriend. Even though we never met and stuff, I bet you were an amazing pony ‘cause Amy's just as awesome. Like, one time, she let me stay at her place and helped me out when I was failing third grade. And this other time when…"
Amy sat back and smiled, watching her girlfriend go on for what seemed like an hour. While she had always loved Bedbug, she had never heard in such detail how grateful she was to have her. She knew her mom would approve. In fact, she was probably smiling down on them right now.