Over the weekend, I got to try out My Unknown Ponies: Failure is Awesome. At some point, when I'm not somewhat sleep-deprived, I'll offer a write-up about our experience on my own fledgling blog. At the very latest, it'll be up by Thursday's comic. Transcript:
DM: Thanks to Rainbow Dash, the bridge is securely spanning the chasm. There are no further obstructions between you and the ruins. Fluttershy: Oh, thank goodness. Pinkie Pie: Yippee! Twilight Sparkle: That… That’s a relief. Y’know, I have to be upfront about this… For a second, I thought you were actually going to take the deal. Rainbow Dash: Nah. That offer was a trap, anyway. Twilight Sparkle: Did you already know that? Rainbow Dash: Not really, but I’m Chaotic Evil, not Chaotic Stupid. Rarity: Yet you didn’t catch on that the Shadowbolts were another of Nightmare Moon’s tricks? Applejack: Simmer down, y’all. Just be glad we’re all still in one piece. Especially after THIS session so far.