Story time! Not that you needed me to tell you that, I imagine.
Tell a story about delegating an important task to an NPC. Transcript:
Rainbow Dash: “Boo-hoo, I’m the misunderstood mad scientist. Don’t mind the fact that I was going to take you all prisoner!” Zecora: SEVEN YEARS of worry, frustration, and rhymes. What’s it matter that I’ve committed some crimes?! Yet in one afternoon, such havoc you wreak! No wonder my anger is reaching its peak!! Twilight Sparkle: Well then next time, don’t turn my horn into a freaking– Apple Bloom: Woah! Ah think Ah’ve heard just about enough o’ this! DM: You see Apple Bloom standing in the doorway. Apple Bloom: Somepony order a metric ton of adorable Diplomacy?