In a rare, rare, RARE example of the comments directly affecting the comic, the throwaway dialogue in panel 1 is inspired by a bunch of comments on the previous page. Transcript:
Pinkie Pie: You weigh a metric ton? Apple Bloom: What? No! I… Ugh, LOOK. As much as y’all hate each other’s guts, yer kinda at an impasse. Zecora is inches away from curin’ everypony, so y’all need HER. The six of ya are the key to findin’ that cure, so she needs Y’ALL. You and Zecora just gotta work together. Y’ ain’t got a choice. Twilight Sparkle: Wait, who are you using Diplomacy on? Apple Bloom: Of course. Ah’m just usin’ it on everypony. Includin’ you.