Scrapped line: DM: Come to think of it, it's just like your arrangement with Spike earlier today, except with more manual labor on your part. And armed guards. Transcript:
DM: The Diamond Dogs seek to fit you with a rusty harness for a minecart. You’ll mark the dig spots and carry the loot. And the armed guards will still keep an eye on you. Rarity: At the risk of repeating myself… This security is a little excessive for one captive. Fido: STOP COMPLAINING! Rarity: I’m merely making a suggestion… Spot: How cute! The po-ny slave has a suggestion. Rover: A silver tongue won’t help you here, po-ny! We know what you are. We take no chances. Rarity: Wait. You’re… competent? But I thought… The voice… DM: What’s wrong with my Diamond Dog voices?