Fluttershy: I guess Angel will use this ability here. “Nature’s Sting”? Um… It looks a little complicated.
Twilight Sparkle: I’ll help you out. Let me see. Alright, first off, roll a d20 plus 12 to attack vs. AC.
Fluttershy: <roll> So… that’s 21.
PM: A hit! Kinda barely, but a hit.
Twilight Sparkle: So that deals 1d6 plus 5 damage, and there’s a secondary attack vs. its Fortitude. Plus 10.
Fluttershy: <roll> 7 damage. <roll>
PM: Natural 20! You’re on fire, Flutters! What’s the effect?
Twilight Sparkle: Looks like the timberwolf has ongoing 5 damage and is slowed, save ends both. But there’s more if it fails the saving throw.
PM: Huh?
Twilight Sparkle: If it fails the first saving throw, it’s immobilized instead of slowed.
PM: What kinda language you speaking?
Twilight Sparkle: And if it fails a second time? It falls asleep for 1 hour or until woken. The ongoing damage won’t wake it up, either.
Fluttershy: Wow. Angel Bunny can do all that?
PM: Wait, um, hold on a second. Can a timberwolf even fall asleep?
Applejack: Your choice, PM. Though you gotta admit, it’s a nasty ability. It synergizes with one of Angel’s Traits, too.
PM: There’s more??
Twilight Sparkle: “Bleed the Helpless.” If Angel attacks a sleeping or helpless target, he deals an extra 2d6 damage and ongoing 5.
PM: The timberwolves EXPLODE! You win! Yaaay.