After giving it some thought, I've decided not to plan for any special upcoming 400th page celebration. Partly because it kind of sneaked up on me, partly because as a result I'm a bit too busy to make something as involved as the 300th Video Comic, and partly because the Fallout is Dragons podcast (which just released its third episode, *hint hint*) is already everything I want for an evolution of the comic around this time. I hope no one's too disappointed, but I think I'm alright with just providing your regularly scheduled content. Transcript:
PM: Then smelly smoke rolls in… The bog bubbles even more… And a huge hydra rises from the water! Applejack: Woah! Think you skipped a step or three in that description. PM: Yeah, I guess you could say I wanted to “GET ON WITH IT!” Applejack: Ughhh… Twilight Sparkle: Wait, so we’re not being watched by the Taraxippus? Or are we? Fluttershy: Can we run now?? Applejack: PM, does it look like we stand a good chance against this thing? PM: I think so. Though, to be honest, I pulled this monster directly from the regular DM’s notes. I think it was supposed to be part of the original Nightmare Moon campaign or something. Applejack: Didja rebalance it for our level? PM: What? Applejack: Nevermind, we’re runnin’.