And now i want to inform of a new service i have: EDITS IN GENERAL
Do you like an image posted, either a screen cap, a show-accurate piece of art (published in Derpibooru), or you want me to just edit an image, like this one just to name an example? Im your artist n n.
Edits of any kind of image have a starting price of only 5 USD, depending on the complexity of the target image to edit, the price can go to a maximum of only 12 USD (no more than that). The limit of characters is 10 in the same image (Screen capture, existing Show accurate art, etc). The only requirement i ask is that the target image must be AS CLEAR AS POSSIBLE, PREFERABLY PNG , that way the edit will be practically seamless.
So you want to see your favorite Waifu completely naked? You want me to add a horse pussy to your favorite equine? You want me to turn a group pic into a group nude pic? Gimme a call, and we can discuss it n n.