Rainbow Dash: I’m getting a ride from you, right?
Applejack: Same as usual, yeah.
Rarity: Could I bother you for a lift as well? I had a friend drop me off.
Fluttershy: I took the bus… And it’s really dark out right now…
Pinkie Pie: I’d walk, but, uh… I’m still in a chicken suit!
Applejack: Am I the only one who actually drives around here?!
Twilight Sparkle: Um… Hey.
DM: Oh, hey. Care to help me pack up?
Twilight Sparkle: Sure.
DM: How’d you like the session?
Twilight Sparkle: It was alright. I’m more focused on the whole Rarity situation, though.
DM: Oh, I know what you mean. It’s a mess, and I hate how it’s mostly my fault. But I think right now, for the campaign’s sake, we’ve gotta keep moving forward.
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah… About that…
DM: I mean, I’ve got some ideas. I like how the campaign’s taking shape. Or rather, I like that a campaign IS taking shape. For the last few weeks, I’ve been basically running on fumes, with no more than one session’s worth of notes to go on. But now that I’m seeing where this party’s going, I actually have a few things planned that I think are going to be pretty great, and… and you’re about to ask me to scrap all of it.
Twilight Sparkle: …Maybe. Listen, are there any, uh… eligible Princes in Equestria?