Rarity: What about Rarity? Has she heard any replies?
DM: Well, it takes longer to get a response, since you're using your other identity… But eventually, you get a message that says Dainty Dove has a high chance of attending.
Rainbow Dash: Great. More face time for the fashionista.
DM: However… Another message from Princess Celestia arrives. It reads:
Twilight Sparkle: "Dearest, most faithful, etcetra," I assume.
Princess Celestia: I've learned more about your Gala decision. Their main argument is, since my sister's return was so brief and so local, it's been hard to verify the facts of what happened that night and your involvement at that time. Now, it's pretty clear that this is some kind of ploy. Somepony really doesn't want you at the Gala. But short of the testimony of both Princesses and a demonstration of the Elements' power (which I'd rather not risk for the sake of some Gala tickets), there's not much I can do to overcome their ignorance. If you're truly set on attending the Gala, however, there is something YOU can do. If each of your friends, individually, performs of a feat of great and obvious significance, that will give me the edge to push through the approval process. There are still a couple of months before the Gala, and plenty of grand public events leading up to it. If this is your path, I wish you the best of luck. Signed, Princess Celestia.
Applejack: Huh. I guess I get where you're goin' with this. Bit of a slapdash solution, but I'm interested.
Fluttershy: We… ALL have to perform some kind of… high-profile public achievement? Ohhhh dear…