Guest Author's Note: "Clouds in FiM are ephemeral matter that certain species can turn into solid objects. This would appear to be an unusual feature, not easily mapped to standard power sets that appear in most systems. Most of the FiM RPG systems I have seen as of this writing have at least a note about interacting with cloudstuff, if not specific mechanics.
"Tell us of any extraordinary uses of solid cloudstuff, or similar material in other universes. (My record so far: a cloudcabin that was made up to look like a floating RV, but actually contained so many lightning bolts that the changeling hive we drifted near, once they discovered the bolts, took it as a declaration of war.)"
Rainbow Dash: Taking out clouds is what I do all day, right? That's my job? DM: Yes, though you've never faced cotton candy clouds before. Rainbow Dash: Doesn't matter. Me infinityzillion, clouds none. I bust them up. DM: You bounce off. Cotton candy proves to be harder and stickier than normal cloud matter. Rainbow Dash: Great. Okay, plan B. If I can't destroy them, combine! I herd them just like I've seen Applejack herd farm animals a thousand times. Then I stick them together. DM: Okay? You now have one big cloud. Applejack: Which makes one big target for my lasso so I can pull it out of the sky! What's a cloud's AC? DM: Don't bother, you hit. Applejack: Yee haw! I ain't never wrangled clouds before. First time for everything. Rainbow Dash: Maybe we should get you some wings so you can help with the cloud drive. Pinkie Pie: Stor-mies stor-mies stor-mies, keep them stor-mies rolling!