DM: Chancellor Neighsay dispels the magical chains…
Gallus (RD): Okay rush him go go go!
DM: If you'd let me finish my sentence, you would have heard "…just as Sandbar closes the locked door."
Gallus (RD): …Unless he leaves it open!
Sandbar (AJ): Nah.
Gallus (RD): Then I'll pick the lock!
DM: It seems Neighsay has cast Arcane Locks upon the door and window.
Gallus (RD): Yona could try smashing them! Or any of the others could do something magical!
DM: <sigh> I can see it would be counterproductive to stop you outright, but I must insist you take at least a short rest to get back up from zero.
Sandbar (AJ): Where do the Chancellor and I go afterwards?
DM: Neighsay leaves you to your own devices. He returns to the Headmare's office to start planning his big changes for the school.
Sandbar (AJ): What about Cozy Glow?
DM: She went elsewhere while he was carrying you all to the dorms. You have no idea where she's gone.
Sandbar (AJ): Hmmm. I have some idea… But I might need backup. The School of Friendship is located in Ponyville, right? Is Sweet Apple Acres still around?
DM: …It's always about connections with you, isn't it?